Thursday, March 19, 2009

General Education Families: Tilden is Still an Option!

Help us get out the message that families with General Education students can still change their OUSD placement options to request Tilden.

Families can stop by Tilden to pick up an options appeal form and submit it to the Placement Office in order to attend Tilden next year.

Tilden offers a great general education program. Here are just a few of the reasons why:

Small classroom sizes
Individualized instruction for ALL students
On-site garden
Dance programs from Luna Kids Dance
P.E. programs from Sports 4 Kids
Extra support staff in every classroom for a rich student/teacher ratio
Small, friendly welcoming community

Spread the word about Tilden!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

We Did It!!

Tilden Teacher Jodi Brooks sent out this message via email after the OUSD Board Meeting tonight.

Hello Tilden Supporters,

Well, we did it!! The Board made a unanimous decision to delay the closure of Tilden for one school year! We got what we wanted - more time for the parents and staff to work with the district to find the best possible solution to the challenges at Tilden (facilities and ratio of special education to general education students).

Thanks again for your time, speeches, letters, support, and dedication throughout this struggle to fight for our children. I am inspired and humbled by each one of you. I am awed at the passionate support that I have seen emerge out of this process. Words cannot express how much I appreciate the community of Tilden and it's supporters. Thank you.

I am so proud of us.

Thanks, Jodi. I could not have said it better!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Great Progress to Report

The Teaching and Learning Sub-Committee AND the Facilities Sub-Committee have recommended that our school stay open another year so that a better plan can be developed to serve our children and preserve the successes and culture of Tilden.

But the struggle is NOT over!

There is still the OUSD Board Meeting on March 11th at 5:00 p.m. at 1025 2nd Ave. Oakland (Board Room on the 1st floor). Please join us to show how strong the support for Tilden is.

Also, please come to a PTO Meeting to hear the latest news (and to help make posters of support for Tilden) on Monday, March 9 in the Tilden Cafeteria at 6:30 p.m.

Thank you all for your support, enthusiasm and passion!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mills College - Tilden School Partnership

Mills College is a close neighbor to Tilden School and the strong connections between Mills students and faculty and Tilden staff are just one of the many things that make Tilden's programs unique. Special Education Professor Vicki Van Steenberg wrote to us with this letter of support.

I am writing to acknowledge the Tilden staff and families in their conscientious effort to continue the best possible support for Tilden children’s development and learning. I have had the fortunate opportunity to work with Tilden staff in our joint Mills College – Tilden School Partnership Project the past two years. Additionally, Tilden teachers have supervised Mills College Student Teachers in their classrooms for semester internships in ECE Special Education since 2005.

The Tilden teachers are exemplary teachers who mentor beginning teachers with professionalism and thoughtful direction. The proximity of Tilden to Mills College has been a great advantage to student teachers for supervision and communication between Mills and Tilden staff. The students see the best of both worlds, bringing their experiences at the Mills College Laboratory School and their Masters coursework in Early Childhood Education to real children and experienced professionals in ECE Special Education classrooms.

Through our connection, Tilden teachers have visited the Mills Laboratory School and participated in courses we offer at Mills. The partnership enhances staff development for beginning and seasoned teachers. We have now designed our Special Education curriculum class with Tilden in mind. 15-20 students in this ECE Special Education course volunteer at Tilden each year, supporting instruction in Tilden classrooms and learning from this great opportunity to bring practice to theory under supervision of Tilden teachers.

The Tilden staff has been welcoming, supportive, and truly helpful to both undergraduates in Child Development and graduate students in Education. I appreciate the many contributions of the Tilden teachers to children, college students deciding on future careers, and to new teachers in the field.

I support the thoughtful continuation of service to the children and families at Tilden.

Vicki Van Steenberg
Professor, ECE Special Ed.
Mills College

Update: 3/2 OUSD Sub-committee meeting outcomes

On March 2nd, about 20 Tilden parents and supporters participated in the OUSD Teaching and Learning Sub-Committee meeting.

Based on the concerns that were presented, the sub-committee recommended that the Tilden closure be postponed to June 2010 to allow for more inclusive discussions between the district and the community. The motion was brought forth by Director Hodge and seconded by Director Dobbins.

Thanks to everyone who participated directly and indirectly in voicing concerns about the relocation and expressing strong support for the Tilden community.

The next step is to present our concerns before the Facilities subcommittee meeting tonight, March 3rd.

The meeting is at 5:00 p.m. at 1025 2nd Ave. in Oakland (in the Board Room).

Check back for more updates!